Isabel Ho Li

Software Engineer Front-End Developer

Profile picture


Hi, I’m Isabel! I recently graduated from Stetson University with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a minor in Digital Arts. I love to write code, learn about new software technologies and design. I got interested in the field of Software Engineering because of the cool and challenging problems software engineers get to work on and you can make a difference in someone’s life by building something that saves people time and help them solve difficult tasks.

I have a strong focus and efficiency, as well as the ability to work under pressure. When I’m not coding, I enjoy experimenting with digital art, taking photographs, attending tech conferences, learning new languages, and discovering new cultures. I'm always looking forward to learning something new!


  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Web Design and Development
  • Internet of Things
  • 3D Modeling


  • B.S. in Computer Science and Minor in Digital Arts, 2020
    Stetson University


Sep 2019 – May 2020

Web Editor

University of Marketing at Stetson University

Developed and managed content on webpages for The Office of Faculty Engagement and The University of Marketing using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and Adobe XD. The webpages allowed students and faculties to submit their researches, saved it to the database, and highlighted their researches and achievements.

Oct 2019 – Mar 2020

Student Ambassador, Harvard WECode 2020

Harvard University

Selected as one of the student Ambassador for Harvard WECode 2020. WECode is the largest student-run conference in the country celebrating women engineers. They’re dedicated to expanding the skills, network, and community of technical women worldwide.

Aug 2018 – May 2019


Local Hack Day at Stetson University

Helped participants to deploy their website by teaching them the structure and syntax of HTML and CSS. Participants were able to create their website and have a better understanding of the Web.

Aug 2018 – Dec 2018


No Code App Building with Mendix at Stetson University

Educated 20 participants on how Mendix makes developing web apps easier through their visual interface. Participants were able to build and deploy their app with Mendix’s software.


Security of IOT Using Clustering Algorithms

Security of Internet of Things Using Clustering Algorithms

Created a program made with Python. Read dataset information and find anomaly behavior on the data using the K-means clustering algorithm, the Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm, and the Mean Shift clustering algorithm. It also compares the three different approaches to see which one has better performance.

Poker Game

Poker Game

Coded and designed a web app made with HTML5 and JavaScript. Two players battle against each other.

Traveling Salesman Challenge

Traveling Salesman Challenge 2.0 KIWI

Collaborated with partners in a desktop app made in Java Eclipse IDE. Read input with the information of the trips then print the output that plans a trip with the lowest possible total cost of flights.

Text Adventure Game

Text Adventure Game

Created a desktop app made with C++. Used text characters instead of bitmap or vector graphics.

Yahtzee Game

Yahtzee Game

Designer of the desktop app made with Java Eclipse IDE. Player battles an AI using MVC.


Stetson Research Website

Stetson Policies

Show Stetson university policies.

Stetson Policies Website

Cress Restaurant

Redesigned a website for a Restaurant.

Cress Restaurant Website


Programming Languages


  • Java
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • C++


  • C
  • SQL
  • PHP

Technologies and Tools

  • Git
  • Linux
  • Vim
  • Windows
  • Emacs
  • Docker
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Publisher
  • Pro Tools
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Maya
  • Microsoft Word
  • Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • Outlook


  • English
  • Spanish
  • Cantonese